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Moses, the Old Testament leader of the Hebrew nation, would go into a holy place to speak with God “as a man speaks with a friend.” Hidden in that gem of a scripture verse(1), it also says that his young helper, Joshua, who followed him everywhere would stay behind in that holy place long after Moses left. Because of Joshua's desire to remain in that place where God spoke, when his time came and God chose him as Moses' successor, Joshua was able to recognize God’s voice.  


Pastor Abner Arias, along with his lovely wife Myrna, lovingly and joyfully lead God’s family at Alpha Omega. Like Joshua, he does so from having also tarried as a young man in a place where God spoke. He does so from having followed and learned from godly mentors. He does so only after having heard God’s voice clearly say, “be strong and very courageous(2) because his job was to lead God’s people into the promises they had received from God.


Sharing those qualities that made Joshua an impacting leader, Pastor Abner is also fearless, faithful and focused(3). Since 1998, Pastor Abner has taught the people that his work is to lead them into the promises God has for them in His Word. His vision is to build up and strengthen each member, and his heart is to love God and God’s family. 

(1) Exodus 33:11,  (2) Joshua 1:6, (3) Joshua 1:7-9


Alpha Omega Ministries is a church committed to every family’s wellbeing. We journey with people that are in recovery of lost opportunities empowering them so that despite having been sidelined, they and their families, would be infused with courage to storm the gates that hold a prosperous future.


Our Faith is in the saving Grace of God through Christ Jesus. Our worship is Spirit filled and our prayers are according to the operation of the gifts of His Spirit. There isn’t anything impossible or too difficult for our God.


Regardless of your demographics we wish to reach you with this message and have you be a part of this incredible and everlasting blessing from God. Open your heart to Christ and let His Kingdom come into your life and make you and your family the happiest on this side of heaven!

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